Source code for circuit.circuit

Pure-Python library for building and working with logical circuits (both as
expressions and as graphs).

This library makes it possible to construct logical circuits programmatically by
building them up from individual gates.

>>> c = circuit()
>>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True)
>>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True)
>>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1])
>>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True)
>>> c.count()

The gate list associated with a circuit can be converted into a concise
human-readable format using the :obj:`gates.to_legible` method, enabling manual
inspection of the circuit.

>>> c.gates.to_legible()
(('id',), ('id',), ('and', 0, 1), ('id', 2))

A :obj:`circuit` object can be evaluated on any list of bits using the
:obj:`~circuit.evaluate` method. The result is a bit vector that includes one bit
for each output gate.

>>> [list(c.evaluate(bs)) for bs in [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]]
[[0], [0], [0], [1]]

Please refer to the documentation for the :obj:`circuit` class for more details on
usage, features, and available methods.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional, Callable, Sequence, Iterable
import doctest
import itertools
import parts
import logical

operation = logical.logical
Exported alias for the :obj:`~logical.logical.logical` class found in the
`logical <>`__ library.

op = logical.logical
Exported alias for the :obj:`~logical.logical.logical` class found in the
`logical <>`__ library.

[docs]class gate: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Data structure for an individual circuit logic gate, with attributes that indicate the logical operation corresponding to the gate (represented using an instance of the :obj:`~logical.logical.logical` class that is defined in the `logical <>`__ library), the other gate connected gate instances, and whether the gate is designated as an input and/or output gate of the overall circuit to which it belongs. :param operation: Logical operation that the gate represents. :param inputs: List of input gate object references. :param outputs: List of output gate object references. :param is_input: Flag indicating if this is an input gate for a circuit. :param is_output: Flag indicating if this is an output gate for a circuit. >>> g0 = gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gate(op.not_, []) >>> g2 = gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) The list of inputs, if specified, must have either no entries or a number of entries that matches the operation arity. Otherwise, an exception is raised. >>> g3 = gate(op.and_, [g2]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: number of inputs must equal operation arity or zero """ def __init__( self: gate, operation: logical.logical = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name inputs: Sequence[Optional[gate]] = None, outputs: Sequence[gate] = None, is_input: bool = False, is_output: bool = False ): if is_input and operation != op.id_: raise ValueError('input gates must correspond to the identity operation') if is_output and operation != op.id_: raise ValueError('output gates must correspond to the identity operation') if inputs is not None: for gi in inputs: if gi is not None and gi.is_output: raise ValueError( 'output gates cannot be designated as inputs into other gates' ) if len(inputs) not in (0, operation.arity()): raise ValueError( 'number of inputs must equal operation arity or zero' ) self.operation = op(operation).compiled() self.inputs = [] if inputs is None else inputs self.outputs = [] if outputs is None else outputs self.index = None self.is_input = is_input self.is_output = is_output self.is_marked = False # Designate this new gate as an output gate for # each of its input gates. for ig in self.inputs: if ig is not None: ig.output(self)
[docs] def output(self: gate, other: gate): """ Designate another gate as an output gate of this gate. :param other: Gate to be designated as an output gate of this gate. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> g2.output(g3) # Confirm this is idempotent. >>> c.count() 4 """ if not other in self.outputs: self.outputs = self.outputs + [other]
[docs]class gates(list): """ Data structure for a collection of gates. It is usually assumed that the gates within an instance of this class are related (*e.g.*, they are all part of the same circuit, as is the case when an instance of this class is found as the ``gates`` attribute of a :obj:`circuit` instance) or, at least, interconnected. However, an instance of this class could be used to represent any collection of gates. """
[docs] @staticmethod def mark(g: gate): """ Mark all gates reachable from the supplied gate via recursive traversal of input gate references. :param g: Gate from which to mark all reachable gates (via input references). >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> gates.mark(g3) >>> all(g.is_marked for g in [g0, g1, g2, g3]) True """ if not g.is_marked: g.is_marked = True for ig in g.inputs: gates.mark(ig)
[docs] def gate( self: gates, operation: logical.logical = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name inputs: Sequence[Optional[gate]] = None, outputs: Sequence[gate] = None, is_input: bool = False, is_output: bool = False ): """ Add a gate with the specified attribute values to this collection of gates. :param operation: Logical operation that the gate represents. :param inputs: List of input gate object references. :param outputs: List of output gate object references. :param is_input: Flag indicating if this is an input gate for a circuit. :param is_output: Flag indicating if this is an output gate for a circuit. The :obj:`circuit.gate` method is a wrapper for the :obj:`gates.gate` method that belongs that circuit's associated :obj:`gates` instance (that instance being stored under the circuit's ``gates`` attribute). """ g = gate(operation, inputs, outputs, is_input, is_output) g.index = len(self) self.append(g) return g
[docs] def inputs(self: gates) -> Sequence[Optional[gate]]: """ Construct a sequence consisting of all :obj:`gate` objects and ``None`` placeholder entries that appear as inputs to :obj:`gate` objects in this instance. For any :obj:`gate` instance that does not have any inputs specified, it is automatically treated as if the correct number of inputs (based on the arity of the operation corresponding to that gate) is specified using ``None`` placeholder entries. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, [None]) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, [None]) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> gates([g0, g1]).inputs() [None, None] >>> gates([g0, g1, g2, g5]).inputs() == [None, None, g3] True Duplicate :obj:`gate` entries may appear in the result if the same :obj:`gate` object is an input for multiple :obj:`gate` objects in this instance. >>> gates([g4, g5]).inputs() == [g3, g3] True """ return [ h for g in self for h in ( g.inputs if len(g.inputs) == g.operation.arity() else [None for _ in range(g.operation.arity())] ) if h is None or h not in self ]
[docs] def outputs(self: gates) -> Sequence[gate]: """ Construct a sequence of gates consisting of all :obj:`gate` objects that appear as outputs of :obj:`gate` objects in this instance. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, [None]) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, [None]) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> gates([g0, g1]).outputs() == [g2, g3] True >>> gates([g4, g5]).outputs() [] Duplicate :obj:`gate` entries may appear in the result if the same :obj:`gate` object is an output for multiple :obj:`gate` objects in this instance. >>> gates([g0, g1, g2, g5]).outputs() == [g3, g3] True """ return [h for g in self for h in g.outputs if h not in self]
[docs] def sources(self: gates) -> Sequence[gate]: """ Construct a gate sequence consisting of all :obj:`gate` objects in this instance that have no inputs specified, or have at least one input that is either specified with a placeholder ``None`` or is a :obj:`gate` instance that does not appear in this gate list. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.and_, [None, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> gates([g0, g1, g2, g3]).sources() == [g0, g1, g3] True >>> gates([g0, g2, g4]).sources() == [g0, g4] True """ return [ g for g in self if ( any(h not in self or h is None for h in g.inputs) or len(g.inputs) == 0 ) ]
[docs] def sinks(self: gates) -> Sequence[gate]: """ Construct a gate sequence consisting of all :obj:`gate` objects in this instance whose outputs are not consumed by other gates in this instance (though they may have output gates that occur outside of this instance). >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> gates([g0, g1, g2, g3]).sinks() == [g3] True >>> gates([g0, g2, g4]).sinks() == [g2, g4] True """ return [g for g in self if not any(g in h.inputs for h in self)]
[docs] def discard(self: gates, g: gate): """ Remove the specified gate from all input and output lists of any :obj:`gate` objects in this gate list, and then delete it from this gate list. If the specified gate appears in an input list of another :obj:`gate` instance, the placeholder ``None`` replaces it. :param g: Gate that must be removed from this instance. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g2]) >>> gs.discard(g2) >>> gs.to_legible() (('id',), ('not', 0), ('not', None)) """ for h in self: h.inputs = [None if ih is g else ih for ih in h.inputs] if g in h.outputs: h.outputs.remove(g) self.remove(g)
[docs] def replace(self: gates, old: gates, new: gates): """ Replace a collection of gates with a different collection of gates, stitching together the new collection of gates with the input and output gates to which the old collection was connected. :param old: Gate collection that must be removed. :param new: Gate collection that must replace the removed gate collection. As an example, suppose that the gate collection below is constructed. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) It is possible to construct another gate collection ``hs`` and to replace a portion of ``gs`` with it. The :obj:`gate` instances to be replaced are discarded (using the :obj:`discard` method). >>> hs = gates() >>> h0 = hs.gate(op.xor_, [None, None]) >>> h1 = hs.gate(op.not_, [h0]) >>> gs.replace(gates([g2, g3]), gates(hs)) >>> gs.to_legible() (('id',), ('id',), ('xor', 0, 1), ('not', 2), ('not', 3), ('not', 3)) The replacement occurs in-place and modifies the instance ``gs``. Subsequent replacement operations can be performed on the same :obj:`gates` instance. >>> js = gates() >>> j0 = js.gate(op.or_, [None, None]) >>> j1 = js.gate(op.id_, [j0]) >>> gs.replace(gates(hs), gates(js)) >>> gs.to_legible() (('id',), ('id',), ('or', 0, 1), ('id', 2), ('not', 3), ('not', 3)) Note in the example below that if a :obj:`gate` instance does not appear as a sink of the gate collection to be replaced, it may not appear as an input in any other gate. In the example below, the ``op.not_`` gate ``h1`` is an input to ``g5`` but is not a sink in the gate collection ``ks``. >>> ks = gates() >>> k0 = ks.gate(op.imp_, [None, None]) >>> k1 = ks.gate(op.id_, [k0]) >>> gs.replace(gates(js + [g4]), gates(ks)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot replace a gate that is not a sink ... that collection All gates in the old collection must already be in this instance. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.not_, []) >>> hs = gates() >>> h0 = hs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> gs.replace(gates([h0]), gates([h0])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: not all gates to be replaced appear in the gate collection None of the gates in the new collection may appear in this instance before replacement occurs. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.not_, []) >>> gs.replace(gates([g0]), gates([g0])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: one or more replacement gates already appear in the gate collection The gate collection below is used for the remaining examples. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) The gate collection that must be replaced and its replacement must have the same number of inputs and the same number of sink gates. >>> hs = gates() >>> h0 = hs.gate(op.not_, [None]) >>> gs.replace(gates([g3]), gates(hs)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: gate collection to be replaced and its ... same number of inputs >>> hs = gates() >>> h0 = hs.gate(op.xor_, []) >>> h1 = hs.gate(op.id_, [h0]) >>> h2 = hs.gate(op.not_, [h0]) >>> gs.replace(gates([g3]), gates(hs)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: gate collection to be replaced and its ... same number of sink gates If a gate collection and its replacement both have the same number of sink gates, then the old and new sink gates are associated with one another according to their position. Each new sink is connected to the output :obj:`gate` instance of the corresponding old sink. The example below also illustrates that if a replacement :obj:`gate` object has no inputs specified, this method assumes that the appropriate number of placeholder ``None`` inputs (corresponding to the arity of the operation of that :obj:`gate` object) is present. >>> gs.to_legible() (('id',), ('id',), ('not', 0), ('and', 1, 2), ('not', 3), ('not', 3)) >>> hs = gates() >>> h0 = hs.gate(op.xor_, []) # Empty input list understood to be ``[None, None]``. >>> h1 = hs.gate(op.id_, [h0]) >>> h2 = hs.gate(op.not_, [h0]) >>> gs.replace(gates([g4, g5]), gates(hs)) >>> gs.to_legible() (('id',), ('id',), ('not', 0), ('and', 1, 2), ('xor', 3, 3), ('id', 4), ('not', 4)) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if not all(g in self for g in old): raise ValueError( 'not all gates to be replaced appear in the gate collection' ) if not all(g not in self for g in new): raise ValueError( 'one or more replacement gates already appear in the gate collection' ) (old_inputs, new_inputs) = (old.inputs(), new.inputs()) if len(old_inputs) != len(new_inputs): raise ValueError( 'gate collection to be replaced and its replacement must have the same ' + 'number of inputs' ) (old_sinks, new_sinks) = (old.sinks(), new.sinks()) if len(old_sinks) != len(new_sinks): raise ValueError( 'gate collection to be replaced and its replacement must have the same ' + 'number of sink gates' ) # Replacements are not permitted when they would cause to be removed an internal # (non-sink) gate within ``old`` that also acts as an input to a gate outside of # ``old``. if any( True for g in old if ( (g not in old_sinks) and any(h for h in self if (h not in old) and (g in h.inputs)) ) ): raise ValueError( 'cannot replace a gate that is not a sink (in the gate collection to be ' + 'replaced) when it as an input to another gate outside of that collection' ) # Stitch new gates that have no inputs to the gates that fed into # the old inputs. old_inputs = iter(old.inputs()) for h in new: h.inputs = [ next(old_inputs) if ih is None or ih not in new else ih for ih in ( h.inputs if len(h.inputs) == h.operation.arity() else [None for _ in range(h.operation.arity())] ) ] for ih in h.inputs: ih.output(h) # Stitch the outputs from the new gate collections to the consumers of # the old gate list outputs. for (old_sink, new_sink) in zip(old_sinks, new_sinks): for g in self: if old_sink in g.inputs: g.inputs = [ new_sink if ig is old_sink else ig for ig in g.inputs ] if new_sink in g.inputs: new_sink.output(g) # Traverse this instance, removing old gates as they are encountered and # adding new gates (in the order that they appear in the instance ``new``) # as soon as their inputs are already in the list. (i, j) = (0, 0) # Indices into old and new gate lists, respectively. while i < len(self): if self[i] in old: self.discard(self[i]) # No need to increment ``i`` because list shifts down. else: i += 1 # The gate at index ``i`` is retained. # If all inputs into a new gate appear earlier than the current # position ``i``, insert the new gate at this position. while j < len(new) and all(g in self[:i] for g in new[j].inputs): self.insert(i, new[j]) i += 1 # Because a new gate was inserted. j += 1 # Move on to the next new gate that could be inserted.
[docs] def evaluate( self: gates, input: Iterable[int] # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> Sequence[int]: """ Evaluate the collection of gates in this instance, drawing from the supplied input whenever an individual :obj:`gate` object either has no specified input gates or has input gates that do not appear in this instance of :obj:`gates`. :param input: Input bit vector. This method is provided primarily to enable the evaluation of subsets of gate collections. In the example below, the entire collection of gates in an instance is evaluated on two inputs. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.and_, []) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.xor_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> gs.evaluate([1, 1, 1]) [0] >>> gs.evaluate([1, 0, 1]) [1] In the example below, a new instance is constructed that contains only a subset of the :obj:`gate` instances that are found in the example above. Note that the supplied input is consumed in order to determine the sole argument for the operation of ``g2`` and the left-hand argument for the operation of ``g3``. >>> hs = gates([g2, g3, g4]) >>> hs.evaluate([1, 1]) [0] >>> [hs.evaluate([x, y]) for x in (0, 1) for y in (0, 1)] [[0], [1], [1], [0]] Note that this method is *sensitive to the order in which gates appear*, as :obj:`gate` objects are evaluated in the order in which they are encountered during an iteration of this instance. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.not_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> gs.evaluate([0, 1]) [1, 1] >>> hs = gates([g1, g0]) >>> hs.evaluate([0, 1]) [0, 0] Each :obj:`gate` instance must either have no input gates specified, or must have all input gates specified (though it is acceptable for those input gates not to be found in this :obj:`gates` instance or even to be specified using the placeholder ``None``). This is because, otherwise, there is no way to unambiguously determine which argument(s) may be missing for operations having arities of two or greater. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.imp_, [None, g0]) >>> gs.evaluate([0, 1]) [0] >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.imp_, [g0, None]) >>> gs.evaluate([0, 1]) [1] >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.not_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.and_, [g0, None]) >>> del g1.inputs[1] >>> gs.evaluate([0, 1]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: number of gate input entries does not match gate operation arity """ input = iter(input) # Index into input. wire = {} for g in self: if not len(g.inputs) in (0, g.operation.arity()): raise ValueError( 'number of gate input entries does not match gate operation arity' ) wire[g] = g.operation.function(*( # No input gates are specified. [next(input) for _ in range(g.operation.arity())] if len(g.inputs) == 0 else # All input gates are specified, but some are not # found in this instance. [ wire[ig] if (ig is not None and ig in wire) else next(input) for ig in g.inputs ] )) return [ wire[g] for g in self if all((og not in self) for og in g.outputs) ]
[docs] def to_logical(self: gates) -> logical.logical: """ Convert an instance into the boolean function to which it corresponds (represented as an instance of the :obj:`logical.logical.logical` class). The running time and memory usage of this method are **exponential in the number of required inputs**. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.and_, []) >>> g2 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = gs.gate(op.xor_, [g1, g2]) >>> g4 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> gs.to_logical() (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0) Any attempt to convert an instance that has more than one output raises an exception. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, []) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.and_, []) >>> gs.to_logical() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: gate collection must have exactly one output when evaluated """ # Define an iterable that yields zeros while counting how many have # been emitted. pairs: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]] = zip(itertools.repeat(0), itertools.count()) def zeros(pairs) -> Iterable[int]: while True: yield next(pairs)[0] # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return # Evaluate this instance on an input consisting of only zeros and (in # doing so) determine the number of outputs. output = self.evaluate(zeros(pairs)) if len(output) != 1: raise ValueError( 'gate collection must have exactly one output when evaluated' ) # Evaluate this instance on all remaining inputs of the specified length # and return a truth table of the results. length = next(pairs)[1] ts = itertools.product(*([[0, 1]] * length)) return logical.logical( [output[0]] + [ self.evaluate(list(t))[0] for t in itertools.islice(ts, 1, None) # Skip first input. ] )
[docs] def to_immutable(self: gates) -> tuple: """ Return a canonical immutable representation of the list of gates represented by this instance. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.gates.to_immutable() (((0, 1),), ((0, 1),), ((1, 0), 0), ((1, 0), 1), ((0, 1, 1, 0), 2, 3), ((0, 1), 4)) Immutable objects can be useful for performing comparisons or for using container types such as :obj:`set`. >>> c.gates.to_immutable() == c.gates.to_immutable() True >>> len({c.gates.to_immutable(), c.gates.to_immutable()}) 1 Placeholder gate inputs are permitted if a gate collection is constructed on its own. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.id_, [None]) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> gs.to_immutable() (((0, 1), None), ((1, 0), 0)) """ return tuple( (g.operation,) + tuple( self.index(gi) if gi is not None else None for gi in g.inputs ) for g in self )
[docs] def to_legible(self: gates) -> tuple: """ Return a canonical human-readable representation of the list of gates represented by this instance. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.gates.to_legible() (('id',), ('id',), ('not', 0), ('not', 1), ('xor', 2, 3), ('id', 4)) Placeholder gate inputs are permitted if a gate collection is constructed on its own. >>> gs = gates() >>> g0 = gs.gate(op.not_, [None]) >>> g1 = gs.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> gs.to_legible() (('not', None), ('not', 0)) """ return tuple( (,) + tuple( self.index(gi) if gi is not None else None for gi in g.inputs ) for g in self )
[docs]class signature: """ Class for representing circuit signatures (*i.e.*, the input and output bit vector formats associated with evaluation of a circuit). :param input_format: List of bit vector lengths of inputs. :param output_format: List of bit vector lengths of outputs. An instance of this class can be used (1) to convert circuit evaluation inputs from the specific signature-compatible format into a flattened list of bits and (2) to convert the flat list of bits obtained as a circuit evaluation output into a signature-compatible format. If a :obj:`circuit` instance has been assigned a signature, conversion of inputs and outputs is performed automatically by the :obj:`evaluate` method. >>> s = signature([2, 2], [3, 1]) >>> s.input([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) [1, 0, 0, 1] >>> s.output([1, 1, 0, 0]) [[1, 1, 0], [0]] If no formats are supplied, the signature methods expect that inputs and outputs are flat lists or tuples of integers that represent bits. >>> s = signature() >>> s.input([1, 0, 1]) [1, 0, 1] >>> s.input((1, 0, 1)) [1, 0, 1] >>> s.input([[1], [1], [1]]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: input must be a list or tuple of integers >>> s.input([2, 3, 4]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: each bit must be represented by 0 or 1 >>> s.output([1, 0, 1]) [1, 0, 1] >>> s.output((1, 0, 1)) [1, 0, 1] The conversion methods also perform checks to ensure that the input has valid format, types, and values. >>> s.input({1, 2, 3}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: input must be a list or tuple of integers >>> s = signature([2], [1]) >>> s.input([[2], [3], [4]]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: each bit must be represented by 0 or 1 Signature specifications must be lists or tuples of integers, where each integer represents the length of an input or output bit vector. >>> signature(['a', 'b'], [1]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: signature input format must be a tuple or list of integers >>> signature([2], ['c']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: signature output format must be a tuple or list of integers """ def __init__( self: signature, input_format: Sequence[int] = None, output_format: Sequence[int] = None ): if input_format is not None and ( not isinstance(input_format, (tuple, list)) or not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in input_format) ): raise TypeError( 'signature input format must be a tuple or list of integers' ) self.input_format = list(input_format) if input_format is not None else None if output_format is not None and ( not isinstance(output_format, (tuple, list)) or not all(isinstance(o, int) for o in output_format) ): raise TypeError( 'signature output format must be a tuple or list of integers' ) self.output_format = list(output_format) if output_format is not None else None
[docs] def input( self: signature, input: Sequence[Sequence[int]] # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> Sequence[int]: """ Convert an input organized in a way that matches the signature's input format into a flat list of bits. :param input: Input bit vector that matches signature. >>> s = signature(input_format=[2, 3]) >>> s.input([[1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]) [1, 0, 0, 1, 1] """ if self.input_format is None: if ( not isinstance(input, (tuple, list)) or not all(isinstance(b, int) for b in input) ): raise TypeError('input must be a list or tuple of integers') if not all(b in (0, 1) for b in input): raise ValueError('each bit must be represented by 0 or 1') return list(input) if ( not isinstance(input, (tuple, list)) or not all( (isinstance(bs, (tuple, list)) and all(isinstance(b, int) for b in bs)) for bs in input ) ): raise TypeError('input must be a list or tuple of integer lists') if not all(all(b in (0, 1) for b in bs) for bs in input): raise ValueError('each bit must be represented by 0 or 1') if [len(bs) for bs in input] == self.input_format: return [b for bs in input for b in bs] # Flatten the bit vector. raise ValueError('input format does not match signature')
[docs] def output(self: signature, output: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[Sequence[int]]: """ Convert a flat list of output bits into a format that matches the signature's output format specification. :param output: Flat output bit vector to convert (according to signature). >>> s = signature(output_format=[2, 3]) >>> list(s.output([1, 0, 0, 1, 1])) [[1, 0], [0, 1, 1]] """ if self.output_format is None: return list(output) return list(, length=self.output_format))
[docs]class circuit: """ Data structure for a circuit instance (with methods that enable counting of gates, pruning of inconsequential gates, and evaluation of the circuit instance on input bit vectors). :param sig: Signature (input and output bit vector lengths) for the circuit. Each gate in a circuit is associated with one logical operation. Gate operations are represented using instances of the :obj:`~logical.logical.logical` class exported by the `logical <>`__ library. For convenience, the :obj:`op` and :obj:`operation` constants defined in this module are synonyms for :obj:`~logical.logical.logical`. When programmatically constructing circuits using a :obj:`circuit` object's :obj:`~circuit.circuit.circuit.gate` method, every input and every output must be represented by a dedicated identity gate (for more information on this, see the :obj:`~circuit.circuit.circuit.gate` method documentation). In the example below, a circuit is constructed that has two input gates, two internal gates, and one output gate. >>> c = circuit() >>> c.count() 0 >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.or_, [g0, g1]) # Example of gate that can be pruned. >>> g4 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> c.count() 5 The gate list associated with a circuit can be converted into a concise human-readable format using the :obj:`gates.to_legible` method, enabling manual inspection of the circuit. >>> c.gates.to_legible() (('id',), ('id',), ('and', 0, 1), ('or', 0, 1), ('id', 2)) An instance can be evaluated on any list of bits using the :obj:`evaluate` method. The result is a bit vector that includes one bit for each output gate. >>> [list(c.evaluate(bs)) for bs in [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]] [[0], [0], [0], [1]] Using the :obj:`prune_and_topological_sort_stable` method, it is possible to remove all internal gates from a circuit from which an output gate cannot be reached. Doing so does not change the order of the input gates or the order of the output gates. >>> c.prune_and_topological_sort_stable() >>> c.count() 4 >>> [list(c.evaluate(bs)) for bs in [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]] [[0], [0], [0], [1]] It is possible to specify the signature of a circuit using the :obj:`signature` class. >>> c = circuit(signature([2], [1])) >>> c.count() 0 >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.count() 6 Specifying a signature changes the required format for input bit vectors. Rather than a list of integers, the input should consist of a *list* of lists of integers (one list of integers for each input). Thus, an input for the above circuit would be ``[[0, 1]]`` rather than ``[0, 1]`` (because the circuit expects one input having two bits). Specifying a signature similarly changes the output format in the same manner, as some circuits may have a signature that indicates that the output consists of some number of bit vectors, each having a specific length. The circuit above has one output: a bit vector having a single bit. Thus, the outputs are of the form ``[[1]]``. >>> [list(c.evaluate(bss)) for bss in [[[0, 0]], [[0, 1]], [[1, 0]], [[1, 1]]]] [[[0]], [[1]], [[1]], [[0]]] >>> [list(c.evaluate(bss)) for bss in [[[0, 0]], [[0, 1]], [[1, 0]], [[1, 1]]]] [[[0]], [[1]], [[1]], [[0]]] The circuit in the example below is identical to the one in the example above, but has a different signature. Notice that inputs to the :obj:`evaluate` method must have a format that conforms to the circuit's signature. In the example below, the inputs now consist of two bit vectors. Thus, what was above an input of the form ``[[0, 1]]`` must instead be ``[[0], [1]]`` (*i.e.*, two inputs each having one bit). >>> c = circuit(signature([1, 1], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> [list(c.evaluate(bss)) for bss in [[[0], [0]], [[0], [1]], [[1], [0]], [[1], [1]]]] [[[0]], [[1]], [[1]], [[0]]] The signature of a circuit instance ``c`` is stored in the attribute ``c.signature``. It is possible to update the signature for a circuit by assigning the signature to this attribute. The example below reverts the signature of the circuit ``c`` defined above to the default (*i.e.*, one input and one output). >>> c.signature = signature() >>> [list(c.evaluate(bs)) for bs in [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]] [[0], [1], [1], [0]] Circuits can contain constant gates that take no inputs. These correspond to one of the two nullary logical operations that appear in the set :obj:`~logical.logical.logical.nullary` defined in the `logical <>`__ library). This also implies that circuits that take no inputs can be defined and evaluated. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.nt_) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.nf_) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.or_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> c.evaluate([]) [1] A signature can also be used to indicate that a circuit takes no inputs. Note that if a signature is supplied for such a circuit, a list of inputs containing one input that contains no bits must still be supplied in the list of inputs to the :obj:`evaluate` method. >>> c = circuit(signature([0], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.nt_) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.nf_) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.or_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> c.evaluate([[]]) [[1]] Circuits may also have input gates or internal gates that have no path to any gate that has been designated as an output gate. Such gates may or may not have outgoing connections to other gates (*i.e.*, they may be *non-sinks* or they may be *sinks*). This implies that circuits that consist of two or more disconnected components are permitted. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) # Input (non-sink) with no path to output. >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) # Input (sink) with no path to output. >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) # Internal gate (non-sink) with no path to output. >>> g3 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g2]) # Internal gate (sink) no path to output. >>> g4 = c.gate(op.nt_) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.nf_) >>> g6 = c.gate(op.or_, [g4, g5]) >>> g7 = c.gate(op.id_, [g6], is_output=True) When evaluating a circuit, the input bit vector must include a bit for every input gate (even if some of those gates have no paths to an output gate). >>> c.evaluate([0, 1]) [1] Pruning a circuit will remove interior gates that have no path to any output gate, but will not remove any input gates (preserving the circuit's signature). >>> c.count() 8 >>> c.prune_and_topological_sort_stable() >>> c.count() 6 >>> [ for g in c.gates] ['id', 'id', 'nt', 'nf', 'or', 'id'] """ def __init__(self: circuit, sig: Optional[signature] = None): self.gates = gates([]) self.signature = signature() if sig is None else sig
[docs] def gate( self: gates, operation: logical.logical = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name inputs: Sequence[gate] = None, outputs: Sequence[gate] = None, is_input: bool = False, is_output: bool = False ): """ Add a gate with the specified attribute values to this collection of gates. :param operation: Logical operation that the gate represents. :param inputs: List of input gate object references. :param outputs: List of output gate object references. :param is_input: Flag indicating if this is an input gate for a circuit. :param is_output: Flag indicating if this is an output gate for a circuit. Gate operations are represented using instances of the :obj:`~logical.logical.logical` class that is exported by the `logical <>`__ library (note that the :obj:`op` and :obj:`operation` constants defined in this module are synonyms for :obj:`~logical.logical.logical`). >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> c.count() 4 >>> len(c.gates) 4 This library enforces the convention that **every circuit input and every circuit output must have a dedicated identity gate** (distinct from all internal gates). This is to ensure that the number of inputs (and how they are ordered) and the number of outputs (and how they are ordered) is always well-defined and available to the :obj:`evaluate` method (even if there is no :obj:`signature` associated with the :obj:`circuit` instance). Thus, only a gate corresponding to an identity operation can be designated as an input gate or as an output gate. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.not_, is_input=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: input gates must correspond to the identity operation >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0], is_output=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: output gates must correspond to the identity operation Once a gate is designated as an output gate, it cannot be an input into another gate. >>> g4 = c.gate(op.not_, [g3]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: output gates cannot be designated as inputs into other gates This method is a wrapper for the :obj:`gates.gate` method of this instance's ``gates`` attribute. While ``None`` can be used as a gate input placeholder when a gate is added to a :obj:`gates` instance, this is not permitted when adding a gate to a :obj:`circuit` instance. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, None]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: circuit gate inputs must be explicitly identified gates Furthermore, any non-input gate corresponding to an operation with non-zero arity must specify its inputs and the number of inputs must match the operation arity. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.nf_) # Nullary false, an operation with zero arity. >>> g1 = c.gate(op.not_) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: non-input circuit gate must have its inputs specified >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g1]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: number of circuit gate inputs must match arity of gate operation """ if inputs is not None and None in inputs: raise ValueError( 'circuit gate inputs must be explicitly identified gates' ) if not is_input: if inputs is None and operation.arity() > 0: raise ValueError( 'non-input circuit gate must have its inputs specified' ) if inputs is not None and len(inputs) != operation.arity(): raise ValueError( 'number of circuit gate inputs must match arity of gate operation' ) return self.gates.gate(operation, inputs, outputs, is_input, is_output)
[docs] def count(self: circuit, predicate: Callable[[gate], bool] = lambda _: True) -> int: """ Count the number of gates that satisfy the supplied predicate. If no predicate is supplied, the total number of gates in the circuit is returned. :param predicate: Function that distinguishes certain gate objects. >>> c = circuit(signature([2], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.count(lambda g: g.operation == op.id_) 3 >>> c.count() 6 """ return len([() for g in self.gates if predicate(g)])
[docs] def depth(self: circuit, predicate: Callable[[gate], bool] = lambda _: True) -> int: """ Calculate the maximum circuit depth. This method assumes the circuit has already been pruned and sorted, and counts all gates by default (including input gates, output gates, identity gates, and gates that correspond to nullary operations). :param predicate: Function that distinguishes certain gate objects. It is possible to calculate depth with respect to a specific subset of gates, such as the AND-depth (*i.e.*, the maximum number of AND gates that cannot be parallelized. Identity gates are ignored by default). The example below tests this method on a large unbalanced circuit. >>> c = circuit(signature([2], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> gk = g2 >>> for _ in range(1000-2): ... gk = c.gate(op.and_, [gk, g3]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, gk]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.depth() 1002 The example below tests a circuit containing only unary gates. >>> c = circuit(signature([1], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g2]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.not_, [g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.not_, [g4]) >>> g6 = c.gate(op.not_, [g5]) >>> g7 = c.gate(op.not_, [g6]) >>> g8 = c.gate(op.not_, [g7]) >>> g9 = c.gate(op.id_, [g8], is_output=True) >>> c.depth() 10 The example below tests a balanced binary tree circuit (an equivalent of the eight-input XOR gate). >>> c = circuit(signature([8], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g6 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g7 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g8 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g0, g1]) >>> g9 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g10 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g4, g5]) >>> g11 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g6, g7]) >>> g12 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g8, g9]) >>> g13 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g10, g11]) >>> g14 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g12, g13]) >>> g15 = c.gate(op.id_, [g14], is_output=True) >>> c.depth() 5 >>> c.depth(lambda _g: _g.operation == op.xor_) 3 >>> c.depth(lambda _g: _g.operation == op.and_) 0 """ depths = {} for (i, g) in enumerate(self.gates): depths[i] = ( (1 if predicate(g) else 0) + max((depths[self.gates.index(g_in)] for g_in in g.inputs), default=0) ) return max(depths.values(), default=0)
[docs] def prune_and_topological_sort_stable(self: circuit): """ Prune any gates from which an output gate cannot be reached and topologically sort the gates (with input gates all in their original order at the beginning and output gates all in their original order at the end). >>> c = circuit(signature([2], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.not_, [g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> c.count() 6 >>> c.prune_and_topological_sort_stable() >>> c.count() 4 >>> [ for g in c.gates] ['id', 'id', 'not', 'id'] """ # Collect all gates that feed directly into the identity gates # with no outputs; these are the effective output gates after # pruning. gate_output = [] for g in self.gates: if len(g.outputs) == 0 and g.operation == op.id_ and g.is_output: gate_output.append(g) # Mark all gates that reach the output. for g in self.gates: g.is_marked = False for g in gate_output: gates.mark(g) index_old_to_new = {} gates_ = [] # New gates to replace old gates. # Collect and prune the input gates at the beginning. for (index, g) in enumerate(self.gates): if len(g.inputs) == 0 and g.is_input: index_old_to_new[index] = len(gates_) gates_.append(g) # Collect and prune the non-input/non-output gates in the interior. for (index, g) in enumerate(self.gates): if all([ (len(g.inputs) > 0 or g.operation in logical.nullary), (len(g.outputs) > 0), (not g.is_input and not g.is_output), g.is_marked ]): index_old_to_new[index] = len(gates_) gates_.append(g) # Collect the new output gates at the end. for g in gate_output: g.outputs = [] # This is now an output, so remove its outputs. index_old_to_new[g.index] = len(gates_) gates_.append(g) # Update the index information to reflect the new order. for g in gates_: g.index = index_old_to_new[g.index] self.gates = gates_
[docs] def evaluate( self: circuit, input: Union[Sequence[int], Sequence[Sequence[int]]] # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> Union[Sequence[int], Sequence[Sequence[int]]]: """ Evaluate the circuit on an input organized in a way that matches the circuit signature's input format, and return an output that matches the circuit signature's output format. :param input: Input bit vector or bit vectors. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> list(c.evaluate([0, 1])) [0] It is also possible to evaluate a circuit that has a signature specified. Note that in this case, the inputs and outputs must be lists of lists (to reflect that there are multiple inputs). >>> c = circuit(signature([2], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> list(c.evaluate([[0, 1]])) [[0]] Any attempt to evaluate a circuit on an invalid input raises an exception. >>> c.evaluate([0, 0]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: input must be a list or tuple of integer lists If a signature has been specified for the circuit, any attempt to evaluate the circuit on an input that does not conform to the signature raises an exception. >>> c.evaluate([[0, 0, 0]]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: input format does not match signature """ wire = ( self.signature.input(input) + ( [None] * self.count( # Create empty wire entries for any gates with inputs and any constant # (nullary operation) gates. lambda g: len(g.inputs) > 0 or g.operation in logical.nullary ) ) ) # Evaluate the gates. for g in self.gates: if len(g.inputs) > 0 or g.operation in logical.nullary: wire[g.index] = g.operation.function(*[wire[ig.index] for ig in g.inputs]) return self.signature.output( wire[ -self.count(lambda g: len(g.outputs) == 0 and g.is_output): ] )
[docs] def to_logical(self: circuit) -> logical.logical: """ Convert a circuit into the boolean function to which it corresponds (represented as an instance of the :obj:`logical.logical.logical` class). The running time and memory usage of this method are **exponential in the number of input gates**. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.to_logical() (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0) This method supports circuits that have a signature specified. >>> c = circuit(signature([3], [1])) >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.and_, [g0, g1]) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.xor_, [g2, g3]) >>> g5 = c.gate(op.id_, [g4], is_output=True) >>> c.to_logical() (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0) Any attempt to convert a circuit that has more than one output gate raises an exception. >>> c = circuit() >>> g0 = c.gate(op.id_, is_input=True) >>> g1 = c.gate(op.not_, [g0]) >>> g2 = c.gate(op.id_, [g0]) >>> g3 = c.gate(op.id_, [g1], is_output=True) >>> g4 = c.gate(op.id_, [g2], is_output=True) >>> c.to_logical() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: circuit must have exactly one output gate """ if self.count(lambda g: g.is_output) != 1: raise ValueError('circuit must have exactly one output gate') # Build the truth table in an appropriate manner, depending on whether # this instance has a signature specified. ts = itertools.product(*([[0, 1]] * self.count(lambda g: g.is_input))) return logical.logical( [self.evaluate(list(t))[0] for t in ts] if self.signature.input_format is None else [ self.evaluate( list(, length=self.signature.input_format)) )[0][0] for t in ts ] )
if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod() # pragma: no cover